install prefix /home/fate/workdirs/x86_64-archlinux-gcc-random/install source path /home/fate/ffmpeg C compiler ccache cc C library glibc ARCH x86 (generic) big-endian no runtime cpu detection yes standalone assembly yes x86 assembler nasm MMX enabled yes MMXEXT enabled yes 3DNow! enabled yes 3DNow! extended enabled yes SSE enabled yes SSSE3 enabled yes AESNI enabled yes AVX enabled yes AVX2 enabled yes AVX-512 enabled yes XOP enabled yes FMA3 enabled yes FMA4 enabled yes i686 features enabled yes CMOV is fast yes EBX available yes EBP available yes debug symbols yes strip symbols yes optimize for size no optimizations yes static yes shared yes postprocessing support yes network support no threading support pthreads safe bitstream reader yes texi2html enabled no perl enabled yes pod2man enabled yes makeinfo enabled yes makeinfo supports HTML yes random seed 1601416378 External libraries: alsa libmodplug libwavpack bzlib libmp3lame libwebp gnutls libopencore_amrnb libx264 iconv libopencore_amrwb libxcb ladspa libopenjpeg libxcb_shape libass libopus libxcb_shm libbluray libpulse libxcb_xfixes libcaca librtmp libzimg libcdio librubberband libzmq libcelt libsnappy libzvbi libdc1394 libspeex lzma libfdk_aac libtesseract openal libfontconfig libtheora opengl libfreetype libtwolame sdl2 libfribidi libv4l2 xlib libgme libvidstab zlib libgsm libvorbis libiec61883 libvpx External libraries providing hardware acceleration: v4l2_m2m vaapi vdpau Libraries: avcodec avformat postproc avdevice avresample swresample avfilter avutil swscale Programs: ffmpeg ffplay ffprobe Enabled decoders: aac h264_v4l2m2m png aac_fixed hap psd aac_latm hevc ptx aasc huffyuv qdraw adpcm_adx hymt qpeg adpcm_aica iac r10k adpcm_argo idcin r210 adpcm_ea ilbc ra_144 adpcm_ea_maxis_xa imc ra_288 adpcm_ea_r2 imm4 rawvideo adpcm_ea_r3 imm5 realtext adpcm_g722 indeo2 roq adpcm_g726 indeo5 roq_dpcm adpcm_ima_alp interplay_acm rscc adpcm_ima_dat4 interplay_video rv10 adpcm_ima_dk4 ipu rv30 adpcm_ima_mtf jacosub rv40 adpcm_ima_oki jpegls sami adpcm_ima_qt kmvc sanm adpcm_ima_ws libcelt sbc adpcm_mtaf libgsm_ms screenpresso adpcm_psx libopencore_amrnb sdx2_dpcm adpcm_sbpro_3 libopus sheervideo adpcm_sbpro_4 libvorbis shorten adpcm_thp_le libvpx_vp9 sipr adpcm_yamaha libzvbi_teletext smackaud aic lscr smacker alac m101 snow als magicyuv sonic amrnb metasound sp5x amrwb microdvd ssa amv mimic subviewer ansi mjpeg subviewer1 apng mjpegb svq1 aptx_hd movtext tak asv1 mp1 targa asv2 mp2 targa_y216 atrac1 mp3 thp atrac3 mp3adu tiertexseqvideo atrac3al mp3float tmv atrac3p mp3on4 ulti atrac3pal mp3on4float utvideo aura mpc7 v408 avrn mpc8 vc1 avui mpeg2video vc1image bethsoftvid mpeg4 vmdaudio bmv_audio mpegvideo vmdvideo ccaption msa1 vmnc cdtoons mscc vorbis cfhd msmpeg4v1 vp5 cinepak msmpeg4v3 vp6 clearvideo mszh vp6f comfortnoise mv30 vp7 cscd mvc2 vp8 dirac mvdv vp8_v4l2m2m dnxhd nellymoser vp9 dolby_e nuv vp9_v4l2m2m dpx on2avc wavpack dsd_lsbf_planar pam wmalossless dsicinaudio pcm_bluray wmapro dst pcm_f16le wmav1 dvdsub pcm_f24le wmav2 dxa pcm_f64le wmavoice dxtory pcm_lxf wmv1 dxv pcm_s16be wmv3 eacmv pcm_s24be wnv1 eightsvx_fib pcm_s24le_planar wrapped_avframe evrc pcm_s32be ws_snd1 fastaudio pcm_s32le xan_dpcm ffv1 pcm_s64be xan_wc3 ffwavesynth pcm_s64le xbin fic pcm_s8_planar xface flashsv2 pcm_u16le xl flv pcm_u24be xma2 fourxm pcm_u24le xpm fraps pcm_u32le y41p g2m pcm_u8 ylc g729 pfm yop gsm pgm zero12v h263 pgmyuv zlib h263_v4l2m2m pgssub zmbv h263p photocd h264 pictor Enabled encoders: aac libopencore_amrnb png ac3 libopenjpeg ppm ac3_fixed libspeex prores_aw adpcm_adx libtheora qtrle adpcm_argo libvorbis r10k adpcm_g722 libwavpack r210 adpcm_ima_qt libwebp rawvideo adpcm_ima_ssi libx264 roq_dpcm adpcm_ima_wav magicyuv rv10 adpcm_yamaha mjpeg rv20 alac mjpeg_vaapi s302m apng mlp sbc aptx_hd mp2 snow ass mpeg1video srt avui mpeg2_vaapi sunrast bmp mpeg2video svq1 cinepak msmpeg4v2 targa cljr msvideo1 text comfortnoise opus truehd dvdsub pam utvideo eac3 pbm v210 fits pcm_alaw v410 flac pcm_f32le vc2 flashsv2 pcm_f64be vp8_v4l2m2m flv pcm_s16be vp8_vaapi g723_1 pcm_s24be vp9_vaapi gif pcm_s24le webvtt h263 pcm_s24le_planar wmav2 h263p pcm_s32le wmv1 hap pcm_s32le_planar wrapped_avframe hevc_vaapi pcm_s64be xbm huffyuv pcm_s8 xface jpegls pcx yuv4 libgsm pgm libmp3lame pgmyuv Enabled hwaccels: h264_vaapi mpeg4_vdpau wmv3_vaapi h264_vdpau vc1_vaapi wmv3_vdpau mjpeg_vaapi vc1_vdpau mpeg2_vaapi vp9_vdpau Enabled parsers: aac_latm g729 rv40 ac3 h261 sbc adx h263 tak av1 ipu vp3 dca mlp vp9 dvbsub mpeg4video webp dvd_nav png flac rv30 Enabled demuxers: aa ifv paf aac image2 pcm_alaw aax image2pipe pcm_f32be acm image_bmp_pipe pcm_f32le act image_dds_pipe pcm_s16be ads image_dpx_pipe pcm_s16le aea image_j2k_pipe pcm_s32le afc image_pam_pipe pcm_u16le aiff image_pbm_pipe pcm_u24be alp image_pcx_pipe pcm_u24le amr image_pgm_pipe pcm_u32be amrwb image_pgmyuv_pipe pcm_vidc anm image_photocd_pipe pjs apc image_ppm_pipe pmp ape image_psd_pipe pva apng image_sgi_pipe pvf aptx image_sunrast_pipe qcp aqtitle image_svg_pipe rawvideo argo_asf image_webp_pipe redspark argo_brp ipmovie rm asf ipu roq au ivf sami avr jacosub sbc avs2 jv sdx bethsoftvid kux segafilm bfi libmodplug smjpeg bfstm loas smush bink lrc sol bintext lxf sox bit m4v spdif boa microdvd srt brstm mjpeg_2000 str c93 mlp subviewer caf mlv svag cdxl mm thp cine mov tiertexseq codec2 mpc8 ty codec2raw mpegts v210 concat mpegtsraw v210x data mpl2 vag dts msf vividas dv msnwc_tcp vivo ea mtv vplayer ea_cdata musx w64 eac3 mxf wav epaf mxg wsd flac nc wsvqa fourxm nsp wtv g723_1 nsv xa g726 nut xbin gif nuv xmv gxf obu xwma ico ogg yop Enabled muxers: ac3 image2pipe pcm_s16le adts ipod pcm_s24le aiff ismv pcm_s32be amr ivf pcm_s32le apm jacosub pcm_s8 asf latm pcm_u16be au m4v pcm_u16le avi matroska pcm_u24be bit matroska_audio pcm_u32be caf md5 pcm_u32le data microdvd pcm_u8 daud mkvtimestamp_v2 rawvideo dv mlp rm f4v mov rtp filmstrip mp2 scc framecrc mp3 smoothstreaming framehash mpeg1vcd spx framemd5 mpeg2dvd stream_segment g722 mpeg2video tg2 g726 mpegts truehd g726le nut uncodedframecrc gif oga vc1 gsm ogg webm_dash_manifest h261 ogv webp h263 oma webvtt h264 opus wv ico pcm_f32le yuv4mpegpipe ilbc pcm_f64be image2 pcm_mulaw Enabled protocols: bluray librtmpe subfile cache librtmps tee concat librtmpt file md5 Enabled filters: acompressor deconvolve nullsrc acontrast dedot overlay acopy deflate pal100bars acrossfade deinterlace_vaapi pan acrusher dejudder photosensitivity adeclick denoise_vaapi pixdesctest adelay derain pixscope aderivative dilation premultiply adrawgraph dnn_processing prewitt aemphasis doubleweave readeia608 afade drawbox realtime afftfilt drawgraph removegrain afir drawgrid removelogo afirsrc drawtext repeatfields aformat drmeter replaygain ahistogram dynaudnorm resample aiir edgedetect reverse ainterleave extractplanes roberts allrgb fftdnoiz rotate alphaextract fftfilt rubberband anequalizer fieldorder scale anlmdn fifo selectivecolor anlms format sendcmd anoisesrc framestep separatefields anull freezeframes setdar anullsink fspp setparams aperms gblur setpts aphasemeter geq setsar aresample gradfun settb asendcmd gradients showcqt asetnsamples graphmonitor showfreqs asetpts greyedge showpalette asetrate haas showspatial asoftclip haldclut silenceremove ass haldclutsrc sine asubboost hflip smartblur atempo highpass smptebars atrim highshelf sobel bandpass hilbert spp bench histeq sr bitplanenoise hqdn3d stereo3d blackdetect hue stereotools blend hwupload stereowiden bm3d inflate subtitles boxblur interleave swaprect bwdif join swapuv cas ladspa tinterlace cellauto lenscorrection tlut2 channelmap life tpad chromahold limiter transpose chromashift loop tremolo codecview loudnorm trim colorbalance lowshelf uspp colorhold lut3d v360 colormatrix lutrgb vaguedenoiser colorspace lutyuv vflip compensationdelay maskedclamp vfrdet convolution maskedmerge vibrance cover_rect maskedmin vignette crop mestimate vmafmotion cropdetect metadata volume cue mptestsrc xmedian curves nnedi yaepblur dcshift noformat yuvtestsrc dctdnoiz noise zmq deband null zscale Enabled bsfs: aac_adtstoasc h264_mp4toannexb null av1_frame_merge h264_redundant_pps opus_metadata av1_frame_split hevc_metadata prores_metadata av1_metadata hevc_mp4toannexb remove_extradata dump_extradata imx_dump_header trace_headers eac3_core mjpeg2jpeg vp9_raw_reorder extract_extradata mov2textsub vp9_superframe filter_units mp3_header_decompress vp9_superframe_split Enabled indevs: lavfi openal libdc1394 oss Enabled outdevs: alsa v4l2 sdl2 xv License: nonfree and unredistributable WARNING: Building with deprecated library libavresample