Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here (and will be fatal in Perl 5.32), passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^\s+@([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]\-]*)({ <-- HERE })?\s*/ at /usr/share/texinfo/Texinfo/Parser.pm line 5481. Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here (and will be fatal in Perl 5.32), passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^\s+@([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]\-]*)({ <-- HERE })?\s*(\@(c|comment)((\@|\s+).*)?)?/ at /usr/share/texinfo/Texinfo/Parser.pm line 5485. install prefix /home/fate/workdirs/x86_64-archlinux-gcc-random/install source path /home/fate/ffmpeg C compiler ccache cc C library glibc ARCH x86 (generic) big-endian no runtime cpu detection yes standalone assembly yes x86 assembler nasm MMX enabled yes MMXEXT enabled yes 3DNow! enabled yes 3DNow! extended enabled yes SSE enabled yes SSSE3 enabled yes AESNI enabled yes AVX enabled yes AVX2 enabled yes AVX-512 enabled yes XOP enabled yes FMA3 enabled yes FMA4 enabled yes i686 features enabled yes CMOV is fast yes EBX available yes EBP available yes debug symbols yes strip symbols yes optimize for size no optimizations yes static yes shared yes postprocessing support yes network support no threading support pthreads safe bitstream reader yes texi2html enabled no perl enabled yes pod2man enabled yes makeinfo enabled yes makeinfo supports HTML yes random seed 1550932519 External libraries: alsa libmodplug libvpx bzlib libmp3lame libwavpack gnutls libopencore_amrnb libwebp iconv libopencore_amrwb libx264 ladspa libopenjpeg libxcb libass libopus libxcb_shape libbluray libpulse libxcb_shm libcaca librtmp libxcb_xfixes libcdio librubberband libzimg libcelt libsnappy libzmq libdc1394 libspeex libzvbi libfdk_aac libtesseract lzma libfontconfig libtheora openal libfreetype libtwolame opengl libfribidi libv4l2 sdl2 libgme libvidstab xlib libgsm libvorbis zlib libiec61883 External libraries providing hardware acceleration: v4l2_m2m vaapi vdpau Libraries: avcodec avformat postproc avdevice avresample swresample avfilter avutil swscale Programs: ffmpeg ffplay ffprobe Enabled decoders: aac eacmv mpeg2video aac_latm eatgq mpeg4 aasc eatgv mpeg4_v4l2m2m ac3_fixed eatqi mpegvideo adpcm_adx eightbps mpl2 adpcm_afc eightsvx_fib msa1 adpcm_dtk escape124 msmpeg4v1 adpcm_ea escape130 mss1 adpcm_ea_maxis_xa evrc mss2 adpcm_ea_r2 exr mvc2 adpcm_ea_r3 ffv1 mwsc adpcm_g726 ffvhuff mxpeg adpcm_g726le ffwavesynth nellymoser adpcm_ima_apc fits on2avc adpcm_ima_ea_sead flac opus adpcm_ima_iss flic paf_audio adpcm_ima_rad flv paf_video adpcm_ima_wav fourxm pcm_f32be adpcm_ima_ws fraps pcm_f64le adpcm_ms frwu pcm_lxf adpcm_mtaf gremlin_dpcm pcm_mulaw adpcm_psx gsm pcm_s16be adpcm_sbpro_3 h261 pcm_s16be_planar adpcm_thp h263 pcm_s16le aic h263i pcm_s24be alias_pix h264 pcm_s24daud amrwb h264_v4l2m2m pcm_s32be amv hap pcm_s64le anm hevc pcm_s8 ansi hevc_v4l2m2m pcm_u16le aptx hqx pcm_u32be asv1 huffyuv pcm_u32le asv2 idcin pcx atrac3 idf pgssub atrac3al ilbc pjs atrac3p indeo2 png atrac9 indeo4 ppm bethsoftvid indeo5 prores bfi interplay_acm prosumer bink interplay_dpcm psd binkaudio_dct jacosub qcelp bitpacked jpegls qdm2 bmv_video kgv1 r10k cavs kmvc r210 ccaption lagarith ra_288 cdgraphics libgsm ralf cinepak libgsm_ms roq clearvideo libopencore_amrnb rpza comfortnoise libopencore_amrwb rscc cook libopus rv20 cpia libspeex s302m dca libvorbis screenpresso dds libvpx_vp8 sgi dnxhd loco sgirle dsd_lsbf_planar mace6 sipr dsd_msbf mdec smacker dsd_msbf_planar mimic smc dsicinaudio mjpeg snow dss_sp mjpegb sonic dst mlp sp5x dvaudio movtext speedhq dvdsub mp2 srt dvvideo mp3on4 stl dxa mpc8 sunrast dxtory mpeg1video svq1 dxv mpeg2_v4l2m2m tak targa_y216 vc1 wmv1 text vorbis wnv1 theora vp3 xan_dpcm thp vp5 xface tiff vp6 xma1 truehd vp7 xpm truemotion2 vp8_v4l2m2m xsub tscc2 vp9 xwd tta vp9_v4l2m2m y41p twinvq wcmv yop utvideo webvtt yuv4 v408 wmapro zerocodec v410 wmav1 zmbv vble Enabled encoders: a64multi libfdk_aac pcm_u32be a64multi5 libgsm pcm_u32le aac libgsm_ms pcm_vidc ac3 libopencore_amrnb pgmyuv ac3_fixed libopenjpeg png adpcm_adx libopus prores adpcm_g722 libspeex prores_ks adpcm_g726 libvpx_vp9 r210 adpcm_swf libwavpack roq_dpcm alias_pix libwebp rv10 apng libwebp_anim s302m ass ljpeg sbc asv1 mjpeg snow ayuv mlp srt cinepak movtext subrip cljr mpeg1video sunrast dnxhd mpeg2_vaapi text dpx mpeg2video tiff dvvideo mpeg4 tta eac3 msmpeg4v2 utvideo ffvhuff msmpeg4v3 v408 fits msvideo1 v410 flac opus vc2 flashsv pam vorbis g723_1 pbm vp8_v4l2m2m h261 pcm_alaw vp9_vaapi h263 pcm_f32le wmav1 h264_v4l2m2m pcm_f64be wmav2 h264_vaapi pcm_f64le wrapped_avframe hap pcm_s24daud xface hevc_v4l2m2m pcm_s24le xwd hevc_vaapi pcm_s24le_planar y41p huffyuv pcm_s32be yuv4 jpeg2000 pcm_s8_planar zlib jpegls pcm_u16le Enabled hwaccels: hevc_vdpau mpeg2_vdpau wmv3_vaapi mpeg1_vdpau vc1_vaapi Enabled parsers: aac g723_1 opus aac_latm gif pnm ac3 h261 rv40 adx h263 tak av1 hevc vc1 cook mjpeg vorbis dca mlp vp8 dvbsub mpeg4video vp9 flac mpegaudio Enabled demuxers: aac ico pcm_u32be ac3 idcin pjs act idf qcp adf ilbc r3d adp image2 realtext afc image2_alias_pix redspark aix image2pipe rm amrnb image_exr_pipe roq amrwb image_gif_pipe rsd anm image_pcx_pipe s337m aptx image_pictor_pipe sami aptx_hd image_psd_pipe sbc asf image_sgi_pipe sbg ass image_sunrast_pipe scc au image_tiff_pipe sds avs2 image_webp_pipe sdx bfi ipmovie segafilm bfstm ircam shorten bintext iss siff bit iv8 sln bmv ivr smacker c93 jv smjpeg caf libgme sol cavsvideo libmodplug spdif cdg lmlm4 srt cine loas subviewer codec2 matroska swf concat mjpeg tak daud mm tedcaptions dfa mmf thp dhav mov tmv dsf mp3 truehd dsicin mpc8 tta dts mpegts tty dv mpegtsraw txd dvbsub mpegvideo vc1 dxa mpjpeg vc1t ea_cdata mpl2 vividas epaf mpsub vivo ffmetadata mtaf vmd flac mvi voc flic mxg vplayer fourxm nistsphere w64 g726 nsp wav gdv nsv webm_dash_manifest genh nut webvtt gif nuv wsd gsm pcm_alaw wsvqa gxf pcm_f64be wv h263 pcm_s24le xa hevc pcm_s32le xmv hnm pcm_u24le yop Enabled muxers: a64 h261 pcm_s16be adts h263 pcm_s24be aiff hash pcm_s24le amr image2 pcm_s32le apng image2pipe pcm_u16be asf jacosub pcm_u32le ass m4v pcm_vidc ast microdvd rawvideo avm2 mkvtimestamp_v2 rm bit mlp rso caf mov rtp_mpegts crc mp2 scc data mpeg1system segafilm daud mpeg1video segment dirac mpeg2svcd sox dts mpeg2video spdif dv mxf stream_segment eac3 null sup fifo_test nut voc fits oga w64 flac ogg wav g722 oma webm g723_1 opus webm_dash_manifest g726le pcm_mulaw wv gsm Enabled protocols: async data librtmpte bluray file md5 cache hls pipe concat librtmpe subfile crypto librtmpt tee Enabled filters: abench displace pullup abitscope drawtext readeia608 acopy earwax readvitc acrossover elbg remap acrusher entropy removegrain adeclip erosion removelogo adelay fftfilt repeatfields adrawgraph fieldmatch replaygain aecho fieldorder resample aemphasis fifo rgbtestsrc afftdn find_rect rotate afftfilt firequalizer sab afifo format scale aformat fps select agraphmonitor framepack setfield aiir framerate setparams aintegral framestep setrange ainterleave fspp setsar allpass geq showcqt allrgb graphmonitor showspectrum alphaextract greyedge showspectrumpic alphamerge haldclut showwaves amovie hdcd sidechaincompress amplify hflip sidechaingate amultiply highpass sidedata anequalizer highshelf signalstats anull hilbert signature anullsink histeq silenceremove anullsrc histogram sinc aphasemeter hqx smartblur aresample hue smptebars areverse idet smptehdbars asetpts inflate spectrumsynth asetrate join split asettb kerndeint spp ashowinfo limiter sr ass lowpass ssim atempo lumakey stereotools atrim lut1d subtitles biquad lutyuv super2xsai bitplanenoise mandelbrot superequalizer blackdetect maskfun surround blackframe mcdeint swaprect cellauto mcompand swapuv channelsplit mestimate testsrc2 chorus midequalizer threshold chromahold mix thumbnail chromakey movie transpose colorbalance mpdecimate trim colormatrix mptestsrc unpremultiply convolve null unsharp copy nullsink vflip cover_rect nullsrc vibrance crop ocr vignette cropdetect owdenoise volume cue pal75bars volumedetect dctdnoiz palettegen w3fdif deband paletteuse xbr decimate pan xstack deconvolve pp yadif deflicker pp7 yuvtestsrc deinterlace_vaapi prewitt zoompan dejudder pseudocolor zscale detelecine psnr Enabled bsfs: av1_metadata hevc_mp4toannexb null extract_extradata mjpega_dump_header text2movsub h264_metadata mov2textsub trace_headers h264_mp4toannexb mp3_header_decompress truehd_core h264_redundant_pps mpeg2_metadata vp9_metadata hevc_metadata mpeg4_unpack_bframes vp9_superframe_split Enabled indevs: iec61883 openal pulse libdc1394 oss xcbgrab Enabled outdevs: alsa opengl v4l2 fbdev sdl2 xv License: nonfree and unredistributable WARNING: Building with deprecated library libavresample